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Online Competitions

Do you want to set goals and compete with your horse from the convenience of your home or local riding location? Join us for our spring and fall virtual competition circuit! Each circuit will include a liberty, bridleless, game, and freestyle categories. 

Let's dive in!

How do Virtual shows work?

Our virtual shows will always be listed as Saturday. Submission will open the Monday before the show date and will close Sunday after the show at midnight. The sign up form will be available on our website and shared on our social media pages. Members select the classes they would like to participate in and add the video link for each class. 

When are the competitions?

The virtual competition dates have been announced for 2024! You can find them on our events page. 

How will I know what classes and patterns are being offered for each show?

Classes offered (and patterns if applicable) will be shared at least one month prior to the virtual show date on our website and social media platforms. 

Can I film using my phone? 

Yes! Your patterns can be filmed on your phone, the most important part is you and your horse remain in frame for the entire video. 

How do I submit my videos? 

A form will be available the Monday before the virtual show date, through this form you can select the classes you'd like to participate in and link your videos. Videos must be uploaded to a sharing platform such as YouTube or Vimeo and marked to public. 

How will I find the results?

Results for each show will be emailed to all participants and shared on our website & social media pages! 

May 18th Games Virtual Show

Entries for our virtual show will open on Monday May 13th and will close Sunday May 19th at midnight. 

This show will have liberty and bridleless classes offered. We will have a "Training” division for anyone who would like to practice the classes, but are not quite ready to do it completely at liberty or with the bridle fully removed. For the Training category participant's should ride with their hands off the reins (using the neckrope if applicable) and only pick up the reins if needed to make a correction.

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